Top 5 Saturday: Sequels I’m looking forward to reading

[Started by Mandy over at Devouring Books]

Sequels are hard, and are probably one of the things I judge most critically as a reviewer because I often find that even if the first book has been so well executed that I want to read what comes next, I’ll even wait for it if I have to, I’m let down. Either by plot, or failed character growth, or sloppy writing. Most sequels, especially if they’re in a trilogy, often serve as a vehicle to get to the last Big Arc of the final book, rather than being able to stand on their own merit.

The list I’ve created below are for books that I have faith in the author’s ability to craft a compelling and Just As Good As the First Book sequel…

(All reviews of previous books linked below are *~spoiler-free~*)

  1. The Toll by Neal Shusterman [pub date: 11.5.2019]-
    not technically a direct sequel, since it’s the third in the series but I loved Thunderhead so much I can’t imagine this will be any different.
  2. Of Ice and Shadows by Audrey Coulthurst [pub date: 8.13.2019]
    Is it a coincidence that the sequel to one of my favorite LGBT fantasy series is coming out on my birthday? Yes. Does that make me any less excited for it? No. If you haven’t read Coulthurst’s Of Fire and Stars, please go do so immediately. Horse riding. Magic. Forbidden love (but not because it’s gay). Political Subterfuge.
  3. Archenemies by Marissa Meyer [pub date: 11.6.2018] –
    I’m definitely behind on reading this book, and that’s mostly because I’ve never read any of Meyer’s sequels before and I don’t know if I can trust her yet, but given how well executed Renegades was, I really need to get this book higher on my TBR pile.
  4. The Wicked King by Holly Black [pub date: 1.8.2019] –
    I loved the moral ambiguity of the first novel, The Cruel Prince, especially with such a power hungry protagonist, and Holly Black did such an excellent job of creating cascading consequences and twists, I know this one will be just as good. Hopefully light on the romance though.
  5. We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faizal [pub date: 5.12.2020?] –
    This is the one I’m probably risking the most with for my reading time, since this was a debut novel. Faizal is untested yet at writing sequels, but given the quality and richness of We Hunt the Flame, I want to give her a try! A little sad that this one doesn’t have cover art to add to the covers below but I’m sure if the first book was any indication, it’s going to be gorgeous…



What sequels are you looking forward to reading?

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