Comic Review: The Okay Witch

The Okay Witch Emma Steinkellner “Magic is harder than it looks. Thirteen-year-old Moth Hush loves all things witchy. But she’s about to discover that witches aren’t just the stuff of movies, books, and spooky stories. When some eighth-grade bullies try to ruin her Halloween, something really strange happens. It turns out that Founder’s Bluff, Massachusetts,…

Book Review: Nevernight

Nevernight Jay Krishoff A small note before reading this review: if you’re considering reading this book and are on the squeamish side, I will save you the time– don’t read it. Krishoff not only goes into the gory details, but relishes in them. So if blood, guts, and glorified death thralls really aren’t your thing,…

Comic Review: The Tea Dragon Festival

The Tea Dragon Festival Katie O’Neill In this soft, dreamy comic set in the universe of the Tea Dragon Society, comes the story of Rinn – a young person growing up in the rural and mountainous village of Silverleaf. On a quest to harvest ingredients for locals as the upcoming Tea Dragon Festival draws near, they stumble…