Comic Review: The Sprite and the Gardener

The Sprite and the GardenerRii Abrego & Joe Whitt An art nouveau and manga influenced illustrative style captures the whimsical lives of the sprites that have long lived out of human sight. Wisteria is new to the neighborhood, eager to make friends and leave her mark on the yards that line the streets, only it’s…

Book Review: Dial A for Aunties

“Big Aunt nods her approval when the Ah Yi puts the bamboo steamers down in the center of our table, and I feel an almost overwhelming need to beat my chest and crow. I got those shrimp dumplings! Me!”p.9 Dial A for AuntiesJesse Q. Sutanto There is no better way to describe Dial A for…

Book Review: Ninth House

“They tried to kill me, Hellie.” she rasped as she slid into the dark. That means I get to try to kill them.Ninth House p.160 Ninth HouseLeigh Bardugo My first Bardugo read! I’ve tried getting in to the Grishaverse to little success, but Ninth House has been staring me down from its place in my…

Book Review: The Wedding Date

“And now I have a question for you…”…“Ask me anything.” He didn’t really mean it.“Am I going to be the only black person at the party?”-p. 36 The Wedding DateJasmine Guillory I was sold on this premise immediately: fake relationship turns into real romance? Sign me up! I was a little let down because typically…