Middle Grade Manga Round-up and Review

Rather than make an excessively long post with all the manga I read so far in 2023, I thought it best to sort it out into middle grade and high school! Grouped by ascending grade appeal/appropriateness, I hope this list helps any discerning librarians, parents, or readers out there find their next great read. Shonen…

High School Manga Round-Up & Review

Rather than make an excessively long post with all the manga I read so far in 2023, I thought it best to sort it out into middle grade and high school! Grouped by ascending grade appeal/appropriateness, I hope this list helps any discerning librarians, parents, or readers out there find their next great read. The…

Quick Review Update

It is Battle of the Books season here, which means a lot of reading! According to goodreads, I’ve read 43 books so far this year… this blog sure doesn’t look like it though. Expect them to start rolling out over the next few weeks, including some up and coming manga titles (because in addition to…