Middle Grade Manga Round-up and Review

Rather than make an excessively long post with all the manga I read so far in 2023, I thought it best to sort it out into middle grade and high school! Grouped by ascending grade appeal/appropriateness, I hope this list helps any discerning librarians, parents, or readers out there find their next great read. Shonen…

High School Manga Round-Up & Review

Rather than make an excessively long post with all the manga I read so far in 2023, I thought it best to sort it out into middle grade and high school! Grouped by ascending grade appeal/appropriateness, I hope this list helps any discerning librarians, parents, or readers out there find their next great read. The…

Manga Review: Magus of the Library, Vol. 1

Magus of the Library, Vol. 1 Mitsu Izumi Quick review: lovely art, other story elements were lackluster In a small village far from the Central Library of Azaraat, a poor little boy struggles against bullies of all ages who call him “long-ears”, and mock his appearance. His only solace: the books he sneaks out of…

Manga Review: Our Dreams at Dusk

Our Dreams at Dusk Yuhki Kamatani CW: suicide mention Being gay isn’t a crime in Japan. But it also isn’t easy as largely held cultural systems discriminate, mock, and alienate gay folks. Beliefs are changing, but not as quickly as one might hope and high schoolers can be cruel… In this contemporary manga Tasuku Kaname…

Manga Review: Witch Hat Atelier #1

“The world is brimming with magic. It brings boons to us all…Only witches can cast spells. The rest of us can only bask in whatever comes our way. You can’t just become a witch.” Witch Hat Atelier #1 Kamome Shirahama I’m beginning with the blurb on the back of the manga and not the one from…