Comic Review: Snapdragon

SnapdragonKat Leyh “Snap’s town had a witch. At least, that’s how the rumor goes. But in reality, Jacks is just a crocks-wearing, internet-savvy old lady who sells roadkill skeletons online–after doing a little ritual to put their spirits to rest. It’s creepy, sure, but Snap thinks it’s kind of cool, too. They make a deal: Jacks…

Comic Review: Beetle & The Hollowbones

Beetle & The HollowbonesAliza Layne So uhh…. it’s been a while since I’ve written. Almost 6 months and things have… changed not just offline but here too it seems. New WP editor/post creator, still the same great content (I hope)! Without further adieu… This sweet all ages fantastical riff on magical girls, shape shifting ghosts,…

Top 2019 TBR Picks

It’s that time of year: my book budget is about to become flush again, and I’ve been combing through websites to find the YA books I most want to read for the upcoming year. Some titles go without saying since they’ll probably get adequate publicity pushes from their publishers. Punpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell; sequels to books…