Middle Grade Book Review: The Nightmare Thief

The Nightmare ThiefNicole Lesperance Another magical realism book by Nicole Lesperance, this time full of the quirky charm and appeal for the middle grade audience. When I first stumbled across this title, it was actually thanks to spotting its sequel in some middle grade lists as I start working back through the year to find…

Book Review: The Wide Starlight

The Wide StarlightNicole Lesperance An atmospheric magical realism novel that blurs the lines of memory, grief, and magic this is a book perfectly suited for the cold and dark nights of midwinter. Split into folktale lyricism and compelling semi surrealist prose, Eli’s story will curl around your imagination as Lesperance takes you on a expertly…

Review: “Himself” by Jess Kidd

What starts off at a slow dreamy pace, quickly shifts back and forth to nightmare and fever dream in this magical realism tale by Jess Kidd. Himself is set in, if Mahony had a word for it in the beginning, Bumfuck, Nowhere in Ireland. Or Mulderrig, as it’s properly named in the book. Mahony has…