Top 5 Saturday: Sequels I’m looking forward to reading

[Started by Mandy over at Devouring Books] Sequels are hard, and are probably one of the things I judge most critically as a reviewer because I often find that even if the first book has been so well executed that I want to read what comes next, I’ll even wait for it if I have…

Book Review: Bruiser

Bruiser Neal Shusterman Oh Neal, how could I doubt for a second that I wouldn’t enjoy a novel of yours? As proven by Scythe and Thunderhead, Shusterman knows how to write a compelling story. Bruiser is no exception, and contains the multitude of psychological analyses and character perspectives I’ve come to love from Shusterman’s work. When Brontë starts…

Book Review: Thunderhead [no spoilers]

Thunderhead Neal Shusterman Normally, I don’t like sequels. Most of the time, they only serve to draw out and build up the final book in a trilogy. Thunderhead is a glorious exception that lives up to the atmosphere and expectations set by Scythe. Scythe Anastasia, also known as Citra Teranova, has shaken up the scythedom with…

Review: Scythe

Scythe by Neal Shusterman Thou Shalt Kill. In Scythe things for humanity are going pretty great. Thanks to an Omnipresent AI called the Thunderhead, government doesn’t exist, neither does war, disease, or even death. The Scythedom and its Scythes were created to exist outside the laws of the Thunderhead and glean humans as a means of population…