Book Review: Well Met

Well MetJen De Luca I started this review back in late December 2020, and now I’m finally finishing it up. I’m falling into the rabbit hole of romance novels; it’s pure escapism from the dumpster fire of 2020, and the enjoyment I get from them more than justifies reading them. I don’t often read anyone…

Book Review: A Deadly Education [no spoilers]

A Deadly EducationNaomi Novik Come scream with me about this book, practically perfect in every regard. Typically, I use the GoodReads blurb in the next section, but honestly, I think how I pitched it to a friend does a much better job at conveying the overall dire and dry wit tone of the book: During…

Show Review: Daredevil Season 3 [spoiler free]

I think it’s safe to say, since I’m only 6 episodes in, that Daredevil has returned to its roots in this season with high tension, fantastic writing, and stellar acting. Where season 2 was trying to do too much, season 3 takes its brooding time developing a longer singular arc that is so satisfying to watch….