Book Review: The Wedding Date

“And now I have a question for you…”…“Ask me anything.” He didn’t really mean it.“Am I going to be the only black person at the party?”-p. 36 The Wedding DateJasmine Guillory I was sold on this premise immediately: fake relationship turns into real romance? Sign me up! I was a little let down because typically…

Book Review: Spoiler Alert

Spoiler AlertOlivia Dade It’s a phrase I hear and use a lot as a librarian — “representation matters” — but it’s not one I ever thought I needed until I picked up this book. If you’re a long time reader of this blog, you’ve seen my passion for romance novels deepen in the last year…

January’s DNF Pile

I thought this might be kinder, rather than clogging the feed with my flaming reviews, I’ve put them together for all the books I DNF’d in January. For the uninitiated, DNF means did not finish; and usually comes after a book has failed my Lunch Hour Rule — if a book doesn’t have my attention…

Book Review: Take a Hint, Dani Brown

Take a Hint, Dani BrownTalia HibbertThe Brown Sisters #2 I don’t often write up reviews of sequels, so when I do, you know it was good. Take a Hint, Dani Brown was actually more enjoyable than the first one, eliciting many more giggles and less tears than the first one in The Brown Sisters series,…

Book Review: An Extraordinary Union

An Extraordinary Union Alyssa Cole So I finally did the thing, and I’ve fallen into historical romances again. Some of the first romance novels I read were historical romance with clinch covers promising bodice ripping within their pages. I remember going into a drug store with my friends in high school and picking up a…