Book Review: Delilah Green Doesn’t Care

Delilah Green Doesn’t CareAshley Herring Blake Hello, 2023! I absolutely love to start the year off with a good book, and Delilah Green Doesn’t Care, is also my first 5 star book of the year too. For once the Goodreads algorithms got it right for me! With the signature illustration style of cover that’s become…

Book Review: You Should See Me in a Crown

“Kiss her again, sweetie!” someone shouts behind us. When I turn, a lady from the patio of an expensive pizza place is standing with her hands cupped around her mouth to amplify the sound of her voice. “It isn’t a kiss without a little teeth!”p. 170 In that moment, I was this anonymous woman, cheering…

Top 2019 TBR Picks

It’s that time of year: my book budget is about to become flush again, and I’ve been combing through websites to find the YA books I most want to read for the upcoming year. Some titles go without saying since they’ll probably get adequate publicity pushes from their publishers. Punpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell; sequels to books…